
ARVAplant is the made in Italy GNSS system for professional fruit planters. ARVAplant can be configured for different usages and can controll many types of machinery. With this particular kit ARVAplant con control any kind of transplanting machine for perfect results.


ARVAplant is an integrated GNSS system for fruit planting.
It’s composed by a rugged alluminium pc wich integrates a GNSS receiver with centimeter precision. It also contains an UHF 400-470 MHz radio. ARVAplant can be configured to control planting machines, poleplanting machines, levelling systems and also excavators.

To control planting machine we provide a particular kit that has to be installed on the machine composed by a central ECU, wich integrates inclinometers and the complete wirings with emergency buttons. In case of  Wagner or similar machinery we can provide also and hydraulic motor and sensors that can eliminate completely the usage of metal wires in the planting process.

What composed ARVAplant for planting machines:
– ARVApc with integrated dual frequency and multi constellation GNSS, Radio UHF 400-470 MHz (or 900 MHz if required).
– ECU and wirigns
– Inclinometer with 0,1° precision.
– Hydraulic motor and sensors for Wagner planting machine or similar (optional)
– GNSS base station ARVAbase (optional)

ARVAplant: veloce e sempre perfetto

With ARVAplant you change completely the way you work. Forget about laser and metal wirings.

The only thing to do will be set up two reference points to create an alignment and then set up the correct width and distance of the plants on the row. Then ARVAplant will do the squaring work for you immediately.

Now you just have to start planting your fruit plant starting from the row you prefer. With ARVAplant you can nearly double your working capabilities compared to a conventional laser system gaining in precision and working comfort.

Principali caratteristiche:
risparmio del 40% di tempo rispetto ad un sistema laser
Precisione +/-1 cm
Impianto senza squadro preventivo
Controllo avanzato di seminatrici di precisione
Gestione automatica di cambi di pendenza
Possibilità di lavorare sulla base di un progetto
Assistenza remota (optional)
E molto altro…

ARVAplant for poleplanters

ARVAplant can also be installed on poleplanters. With this kit you add to your poleplanter an automatic level system and centimeter accuracy.

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ARVAlevel is a GNSS kit that gives you capabilities of in field projecting of your levelling.

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ARVAplant mobile

ARVAplant mobile it’s a GNSS kit developed for manual stakeout or survey. We can provide it with multiple screen dimensions and software.

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